Tuesday, June 8, 2010

White Streak

B hasn't been sleeping lately. Well, he's sleeping once he's asleep but staying up very, very late, running and hopping around like a rabbit and tearing up his room.

Anyway, the other night Daddy tried to get him to sleep in our bed. After 30 minutes of silence, we thought he was down and settled in to watch some t.v. Suddenly a 3.5 foot tall naked white monster streaked past the doorway!

The child was COVERED, from the last hair on his head to the very tip of his toenail, with a very thick layer of lotion. He'd emptied a 32 oz. container of lotion ALL. OVER. HIS. BODY. I steeled myself trying not to laugh but failed miserably, and grabbed my camera to snap up some shots. Into the bath he went for a several-minute spray-down . . . slipping and sliding all over the place.

*sigh* I remember when I used to complain that he didn't get into anything . . .

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